Gnowit Artificial Intelligence Solution

Gnowit provides the solution to a quintessential 21st century problem: information overload and attention burnout.

Information overload and attention burnout may seem like fuzzy issues, but they lead to very concrete problems including:

  • decreased productivity
  • declining profitability
  • ineffectual marketing efforts
  • increased stress
    Our Solution: Artificial Intelligence to Cut through the Chatter
    At Gnowit, we’ve developed artificial intelligence solutions that can literally ‘read’ thousands of information sources for our clients, identify all the articles that match the user’s interest (in real-time) and boil them down to a set of powerful analytics-supported by “need to know” headlines and evocative graphical representations.

    Our software literally serves the same purpose as an efficient administrative assistant, protecting the user from being interrupted by useless information blather that begs for their attention, while collating the most important information into neatly arranged files that can be perused quickly.


    The Pain: Endless Useless Information
    Almost every professional nowadays needs to be “wired-in” to the information spectrum of emails, newspapers, blogs and social media streams in order to maintain the necessary awareness of what is happening in their community of interest and to cultivate an active presence in their professional network. Unfortunately, this takes a lot of time, and if an individual attempts to participate fully, they will easily spend over three quarters of their working day just trying to absorb information.

    Most of the information an individual encounters will also be useless. Considering that over 85% of the conversation on twitter is useless noise, and that even the media, with its rigorous focus on an authoritative editorial process, often just operates as an ‘echo chamber’ where some stories dominate the airwaves disproportionally. Even the dependably stalwart technology, email, which is addressed to an individual (and should ideally never be useless) is becoming increasingly ineffectual with out-of-control quantities of spam (over 50% of messages sent worldwide) and general misuse.

    Attempting to get on top of this unending stream is a Sisyphean task. Those who dare to try will soon find themselves suffering from mental exhaustion, anxiety, inability to focus, irritability and all the other classic signs of burnout that psychologists have identified as chronic 21st century conditions.

    Unfortunately, most people cannot simply disengage from interacting with the information world. The costs of doing so are too high. As a consequence, people pick an ad-hoc approach where they occasionally dip in and deal with the messages that they have accumulated and to sample what’s been recently published. This problem is one that is ripe for automation. However, the sheer complexity

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    of dealing with “natural language” has resisted yielding an acceptable solution to this problem. Even Google, the poster-child of the information age, will only provide you with a list of documents, rather than providing their users with a synopsis of what these documents should mean for them.

    Our core offering is based on state-of-the-art technologies that can answer the following pressing questions for you:

    What’s happening out there in the information world related to my concerns?
    What sentiments do people have related to these issues? How do they feel about them?
    How can I see what these issues are in a simple yet profoundly clear manner while eliminating all that extraneous chatter and noise?
    Gnowit’s solution is based on a solid bedrock of two decades of computational linguistics research.

    At Gnowit, we’ve provided an innovative set of solutions for an enduring problem, information overload, and are delighted to be enabling our customers to spend more time with their families, or on truly-engaging in creative work, rather than unproductive time spent sitting in front of the computer being deluged by wave after wave of useless information updates. We help break the data-chains that keep the 21st century citizen enslaved to their digital devices and free them from illness inducing information dependency. Gnowit Alerts enables you to take control of your data streams, without the fear of being ‘out of the loop’.

    Get ready for the real information revolution as we at Gnowit are just about ready to go live!