
How Many Government Sources Should You Monitor?

How Many Government Sources Should You Monitor?

How Many Government Sources Should You Monitor? Every so often, something comes up during market research that shines a clarifying light on past data. Suddenly, a problem that plagues professionals in the industry you’ve been researching makes that much more sense....

The Apple Watch’s Notification Problem

The Apple Watch’s Notification Problem

The Apple Watch’s Notification Problem It’s happened. After months of hype and sky-high financial forecasting, consumers have been introduced to the Apple Watch. Online pre-ordering began last Friday; within minutes, some models had sold out. The verdict from tech...

Automating Government Relations

Automating Government Relations

Technology has gotten a bad rap of late. Automation and artificial intelligence are at the center of countless cultural critiques. If the critics are to be believed, we’re on track to complete enslavement at the hands of super-intelligent robots. But how credible are...

Has Government Relations Entered the Digital Age?

Has Government Relations Entered the Digital Age?

Has Government Relations Entered the Digital Age? Has government relations entered the digital age? This is a compelling question. One would assume that public relations – the umbrella beneath which government relations operates – has had to adapt to digital...

How Persuasive is Your Message?

How Persuasive is Your Message?

How Persuasive is Your Message? In the last two weeks, 2169 articles touching on the subject of education have been published in Canadian online media. This information was found using CoreAlerts, Gnowit’s media-monitoring platform. As a way of looking at how media...

How Artificial Intelligence Can Benefit Nonprofits

How Artificial Intelligence Can Benefit Nonprofits

How Artificial Intelligence Can Benefit Nonprofits Canadian nonprofits have always faced challenges, funding shortages chief among them. Cuts to federal and provincial government spending delivered a blow to the sector in the 90s, and further difficulties arose during...

Building a Nation’s Reputation

Building a Nation’s Reputation

Building a Nation’s Reputation Switzerland is the world’s most reputable country. This is one conclusion of an annual study by the Reputation Institute, a leading global advisory firm. The study, carried out in 2014, placed Canada in the number 2 spot, a slight...

Lessons from 3 Hot Cleantech Companies

Lessons from 3 Hot Cleantech Companies

Lessons from 3 Hot Cleantech Companies Okay, I admit it. This post should probably be called “Lessons from 3 of B.C.’s Hottest Cleantech Companies”. In my defence, this started out as a nationwide list, and narrowing it down was no easy task. Companies like Montreal’s...

Big Data: Sound Investment or Hype? An FDI Perspective

Big Data: Sound Investment or Hype? An FDI Perspective

Big Data: Sound Investment or Hype? An FDI Perspective If you read the Economist, Macleans or the New York Times, you’re probably well acquainted with the term “big data”. Poised to solve everything from national security to the common cold, the concept has been...

How Technology is Changing FDI

How Technology is Changing FDI

How Technology is Changing FDI Walmart, McDonalds, Costo – each of these retailers is a household name in Canada, yet few Canadians understand the complicated process through which they have established a Canadian presence. Foreign direct investment – or FDI – is...

The Minimalist Guide to Monitoring Government

The Minimalist Guide to Monitoring Government

The Minimalist Guide to Monitoring Government A couple of weeks back, I wrote a post on using strategy and media-monitoring software to reduce information overload. The responses I received solidified my view that overload is one of the biggest problems in the...

4 Reasons Monitoring Municipal Government Matters

Two weeks ago, while most Canadians with an interest in politics were following the Paul Calandra debacle, I was thinking about municipal government. I'd been doing some research for a Gnowit project on government relations, digging through recent surveys and notes,...