Tell Better PR Stories with Data Visualization There’s no denying it. “Storytelling” has become a public relations buzzword. The concept is, of course, nothing new. Most of what PR pros do – from crafting campaign messaging to maintaining relationships with members of...
Could Any Amount of PR Have Helped Elizabeth May? As an employee of a media-monitoring service provider, I’m pretty much addicted to the news. It’s become a part of my regular routine – most mornings, I scour news sites and twitter feeds, searching for stories (and...
It’s no secret that many in the general population believe lobbying is a less-than-squeaky-clean endeavor. In fact, entering the word “lobbying” into a popular search engine is likely to turn up two types of content. Op-ed pieces on the theme of corruption...
Rob Ford is a Great Teacher. Here’s Why. Let’s begin with a question: would Rob Ford have a better public image if he had accepted the substance abuse allegations in 2013? One could easily argue that the public perception of Ford would be negative either way. During...
What do PR Disasters and Marvel’s S.H.I.E.L.D. Have in Common? WARNING: This short story contains spoilers if you haven’t seen Captain America: The Winter Soldier or Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. past episode 16 (and, to some extent, Iron Man 3). That being said, even if...